Examples of countermeasures in the electrical/electronic equipment industry

Eliminating static charge in workspaces

  • Electrostatic destruction

Static electricity is a common problem in manual workspaces. Even grounding and other countermeasures are usually insufficient to eliminate the static problems that occur. Using an ionizer can be the solution that makes the difference.

Preventing ESD during PCB inspection and quality assurance

  • Adhesion of foreign particles
  • Electrostatic destruction

Electrostatic discharge can be prevented during PCB inspection to reduce the risk of defects during product assembly or after shipment even for products that have already passed inspection.

Localized elimination of static and dust in air vacuum equipment

  • Adhesion of foreign particles
  • Electrostatic destruction

Static elimination can still be performed using a tube even in equipment with no space for installation of an ionizer.

Preventing ESD during the transport of PCBs

  • Adhesion of foreign particles
  • Electrostatic destruction

During transport, PCBs become statically charged due to contact and separation from conveyor belts. Strong charges can lead to electrostatic destruction and adhesion of foreign particles, which in turn can lead to manufacturing defects. An ionizer can reduce these defects by eliminating the electrostatic charge.

Preventing electrostatic destruction of electronic PCB testers

  • Adhesion of foreign particles
  • Electrostatic destruction

A foreign object between the probe and the PCB during conductivity testing is considered a conductivity defect and means the test has to be repeated, greatly reducing the yield. Sensitive probes can even be damaged by the static electricity. An ionizer can eliminate these problems.

Removing foreign particles during camera assembly

  • Adhesion of foreign particles

Parts become statically charged due to friction and debonding during assembly. Countermeasures are required for this charge, as it can introduce foreign particles into the parts, resulting in noise in the images. An ionizer can prevent adhesion of foreign particles.