• Confocal Microscope Comparison Guide

    Evaluate differences between widefield, optical sectioning, and confocal microscopes. Some key advantages of optical sectioning include:

    • High-resolution imaging of thick specimens

    • Minimize damage to increase specimen longevity

    • Image through plastic containers and at low magnification

    • High-speed, easy operation for improved workflow

  • Publication-Quality Images

    A highly-sensitive, cooled CCD camera eliminates background noise and captures clear high-resolution images fit for publication. The system goes beyond the capabilities of conventional widefield microscopes by providing confocal-like image quality.

  • Z-Stack and 3D Imaging

    Acquire Z-stacks of thick specimens to analyze features in all focal planes. Combine images for a 3D display, and slice the rendering at any XYZ position to visualize the sectional view.

  • Automated Quantification

    Accurately quantify results of images captured in fluorescence, brightfield, and phase contrast. Save settings and batch-process the results for user-independent, repeatable quantification.

  • Repeatable, Reproducible Results

    Capture conditions are saved with each image for repeatable observation throughout the course of an experiment. Load any image to automatically reproduce results.

  • Multi-Color Fluorescence

  • High-Resolution Imaging

  • Large Area XY Stitching

  • 3D Analysis

Learn more about the BZ-X800 All-in-One Fluorescence Microscope!

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