XG-X Setup Guide

XG-X Series Start-Up Guide: Installation

This guide will walk through component descriptions, assembly instructions, and wiring to get your system installed.

Installation and Connection XG-X Setup Manual

I/O Wiring XG-X Setup Manual

Getting Started Videos

Software Downloads and Activation

XG-X Series Start-Up Guide: Imaging

This guide will walk through obtaining an optimal image for vision inspection.

Controlling the Handheld Controller XG-X Setup Manual

Adjusting the Camera XG-X Setup Manual

Programming Videos (Software Functions)

XG-X Training Videos

XG-X Series Easy Setup Guide I/O

XG-X Series Easy Setup Guide EtherNet/IP™ (ControlLogix Series/Allen-Bradley)

XG-X Series Easy Setup Guide For PROFINET (Siemens: SIMATIC S7-1200)

XG-X Series Easy Setup Guide FTP Output Edition (NAS)

EtherNet/IP™ Communication XG-X Communications Control Manual

PROFINET Communication XG-X Communications Control Manual

Communication Control Commands XG-X Communications Control Manual

Writing & Reading setting files Setting procedure for XG-X

Outputting NG Status Images to an SD Card Setting procedure for XG-X

Exporting Archived Images to an SD Card Setting procedure for XG-X

Camera Installation Optimization Tool XG-X User's Manual

Trace log Setting procedure for XG-X

Camera Installation Optimization Tool XG-X User's Manual

Troubleshooting XG-X User's Manual

Error Messages XG-X User's Manual


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