Small Hepatocyte Well Plate Scanning

Well plate observation using a large stage

The small hepatocyte, a kind of liver precursor, is smaller than adult hepatocytes and has a higher ability to proliferate.
Various sample holders are used for cultivation and experiments according to the experimental conditions. However, this takes time to locate the field of view for observation.

Image stitching

Image stitching

Image stitching

Objective lens: CFI Plan Apo λ 4x
Image stitching: 9 images × 12 images

Simply select a sample holder and click to observe the desired area.

Simply select a sample holder and click to observe the desired area.

Simply select a sample holder and click to observe the desired area.

Using the All-in-One Fluorescence Microscope BZ-X800

  • The large motorized stage can be used to observe an entire well plate.
  • For well plates that cannot be fully displayed in the field of view, by capturing images while moving the stage and stitching together the captured images, it is possible to acquire a single image with high resolution.
  • The stage is navigated instantly to the area of interest simply by clicking a well to be observed on the stage view.
  • Automatic scanning is possible by registering the area on the stage.
  • The stage view can be displayed according to the sample holder by simply selecting the type of sample holder being used.