I want to use device comments on nameplates.

This section introduces how to register KV STUDIO device comments on the nameplates of switches and lamps.

  • *
    You can only use this function when a KEYENCE KV Series PLC is connected.

Importing device comments

1. Import into VT STUDIO the device comments to register on nameplates.
From the menu, select [Resources] -> [Device comment/variable].

2. Select the station number of the PLC from which to register the device comments, and then click [Import].

3. Select the KV STUDIO project from which to import the device comments, and then click [Execute].

4. When the import is finished, the number of imported device comments is displayed.

Registering device comments

5. Register imported device comments to the nameplates of lamps and switches.
From the menu, select [View] -> [Device comment/variable list].

6. The [Device comment/variable list] dialog box is displayed on the VT STUDIO screen. Select a device comment and drag and drop it to the screen to place it there.
The part types are displayed. Select the part that you want to place.

7. The selected part is placed with the device comment registered as a nameplate.

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